Office building WQ1

Office building WQ1
Am Weser-Terminal 10, 28217 Bremen
Directly on the banks of the Weser, the city centre close by: In this unique position you will find a first-class business address: WQ1. A highlight from the renowned architects Bothe Richter Teherani, with a special bonus: The office building projects over the waterfront from the second floor upwards, allowing an unobstructed panoramic view upstream and downstream – thanks to a facade made entirely of glass. The expansive view, the immediate proximity to the water and maximum daylight create an open, inviting atmosphere and a pleasant working environment inside. At the same time, the new building meets high standards of construction and energy technology, and is heated for example by district heating and cooled by concrete core activation. Result: As one of the first buildings in Bremen, the WQ1 has been awarded a DGNB silver certificate. The environment and energy resources are protected in the long term and savings are made on (utilities) costs. Ascotherm trench convectors are used.