Steigenberger Hotel

Steigenberger Hotel
Am Weser-Terminal 6, 28217 Bremen
The Überseestadt is a new, dynamically developing district of Bremen. After two years of construction, the Steigenberger Hotel Group opened a top-class hotel for business travellers and tourists in September 2013. The air conditioning of hotel buildings in particular is a challenging task for planners and air conditioning engineers. The requirements for thermal comfort in restaurant areas, for example, are different from those for optimum air conditioning to create ideal thermal working conditions in conference or administrative areas – in each case taking into account maximum energy efficiency.
The type of room heating contributes significantly to solving this problem. Due to the numerous product advantages, Ascotherm trench convectors were chosen for heating the restaurant, bar, pantry, lobby, foyer, management, and administration as well as the conference area and event rooms.