Legal information


Copyright Arbonia GmbH. All rights reserved. All texts, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files as well as their arrangements and additional information published here are subject to copyright and other laws for protecting intellectual property. They may neither be copied nor modified for either commercial use or distribution and may not be used on other websites without our consent. Some Arbonia websites also contain material that is subject to the copyright of the person who has published it.

We expressly reserve all industrial property rights (in particular copyright, trademarks and design rights). Reference advertising with our company is not allowed without prior written consent.


Information and data on these pages do not constitute any assurance or guarantee, whether explicit or implicit. In particular, it does not constitute any implicit assurance or guarantee with regards to the condition, the merchantability, adequacy for a particular purpose or non-infringement of laws and patents. All data and figures on the web pages are only approximate. Only actual agreements are authoritative for contracts to be concluded (e.g. purchase and order).

On our Internet pages you will also find links to other pages on the Internet. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have no influence on the design and the content of the pages the links may take you to. We can therefore also not guarantee that the information made available there is up-to-date, correct, complete or guarantee its quality. With this in mind, we hereby disassociate ourselves from all content on these pages. This declaration expressly applies to all links on out websites to external sites and their contents (particularly copyright, trademark laws and the Design Act). Reference advertising with our company is not allowed without prior written consent.

Web Content

Changes to products and services may occur after the editorial deadline for individual pages. Rights to modify construction or form, make variations in colour tone or changes to delivery or performance scopes on the part of the manufacturer are reserved, provided that the changes or variations are reasonable taking into account Arbonia's customer interests. Images may include accessories, optional extras or other items which are not part of the standard scope of delivery or performance. Colour variations are of a technical nature. Individual pages can also include models and services that are not offered in individual countries. All data and figures for the products described are only approximate. Only actual agreements are authoritative for the subsequent conclusion of a contract. Statements on statutory, legal and tax provisions and effects are only applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany.

General Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

The following Terms and Conditions of Purchase apply for Arbonia Riesa GmbH suppliers: