EPD Environmental Product Declaration

EPD – Environmental Product Declaration

EPDs provide factual, neutral and verified information on the environmental effect of construction products.

EPD for all steel radiators

We have been awarded the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for all our steel radiators. The EPD is awarded by the IBU (Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V.) and makes the environmental impact of the products transparent and comparable across the entire process chain. When using our EPD-verified products, our specialist partners can prove environmental credentials that are increasingly being required for tenders and when grants are being awarded, thus giving them a competitive advantage and allowing them to realise more sustainable building concepts overall.

The EPD verification based on the ISO 14025 and EN 15804 standards describes the life cycle assessment of construction products and goes beyond the current legal requirements. We have verification for all steel radiators. Whether a bathroom radiator or a steel panel radiator – thanks to the verification, all the different steel radiator models already fulfil the requirements that will gradually become mandatory throughout Europe over the next few years.

You can find more information on the EPD programme from the IBU (Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V). 

EPD label